Making disciples of Jesus Christ and Loving our neighbors in North Mpls


Since all people were made in the image of God, we are committed to treating all people with respect. We recognize the equality of all people, and so we strive to greet everyone we meet with the utmost respect. The belief in the equality of all people also leads us to reject the "soft bigotry of low expectations."


Respecting all People

Many organizations have not done a good job of protecting children. Sadly, this even includes many churches. At Northside Neighborhood Church, we are committed to doing everything we can to protect the physical, mental, and spiritual health of every child that we interact with.

Protecting Children

Northside Neighborhood Church is committed to helping strengthen families. We do this by offering free pastoral marriage and family counseling, putting on events for moms and dads throughout the year, and creating a culture that has a high regard for both mothers and fathers.

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Strengthening the Family

God created us to enjoy our work. When sin came into the world, work became a burden to all people. While work can be stressful, we at Northside Neighborhood Church are committed to helping our members understand that God cares about our jobs and careers.

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Celebrating Good Work